Moisture Damage & Roof Evaluations
Our licensed engineers will evaluate roof damage to determine if moisture intrusion is related to storm damage (wind, hail, etc.), improper installation, lack of maintenance, damage enhancement, end of useful life of materials or other contributing factors. We can also assist with contractor estimate reviews and repair recommendations. Visit to learn more about roof damage assessments.
Wind Driven Rain or Storm Created Openings
If moisture damage occurred during a storm, our experts can determine if the damage was caused by water entering or seeping through existing openings to reach the interior of the building, or if the water entered through an opening or damage created by the direct force of a hurricane, wind, or hail storm. Visit to learn more about storm damage assessments.
U.S. Forensic performs structural evaluations of damage to foundations and buildings from hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressures of flood waters. We can also assess damage caused by scour, erosion, and consolidation due to inundation. We can provide repair versus replacement options including costs. Flood related damages to the mechanical and electrical components of buildings including elevators can also be determined. Visit to learn more about flood damage evaluations.
To view the list of moisture source evaluation services, visit our services page.