Plumbing Leaks
Is the damage due to a plumbing leak? Armed with the right equipment, our experts can identify the source of moisture intrusion damage. Infrared equipment is used to photograph walls, roofs, and other hidden areas within a structure with the purpose of identifying whether a line is cracked or broken or if moisture is being generated from some other source.
Vapor Drive
Water vapor constantly diffuses through building materials from the warm, humid side of a house toward the cold, dry side. In the warmer months when homes are using their air conditioners, water, vapor is driven through wall materials toward the interior of the home. In the colder months, the vapor drive is toward the exterior of the home. When water vapor is driven into a surface that has a temperature below the dew point (the temperature at which water vapor condenses), then it becomes a liquid creating moisture damage. Our experts can determine if this phenomenon is occurring and what methods can be used to prevent damage which is often in the form of mold or rotting wood.
Proper ventilation can control excess moisture. However, when ventilation is insufficient in a give area (crawlspace, attic, kitchen, bathrooms) moisture can condense creating damage to floors, walls, or ceilings. Often, what appears to be a flooring installation issue can be a crawlspace ventilation issue. Improper ventilation can also lead to mold. Our experts can provide you with an accurate assessment.
With seasonal rains, there is a potential for groundwater to enter a home and cause damage. Proper building and landscaping maintenance is essential in preventing moisture intrusion. Our experts can assess the damage and determine if it attributable to groundwater entering the home or from some other source such as a roof leak, or ventilation issues.
Construction Defects
If the building envelop is not designed or constructed properly, moisture can enter the home or building. Our engineers can evaluate roof systems, window installations, vapor barriers, and other building openings to determine if damage is due to a construction defect.
Our experts can determine if an HVAC system or space heater is contributing to moisture damage. We evaluate the system to ensure it is sized correctly for the home, we evaluate the placement of ducts, ventilation, and other factors that can contribute to mold and moisture.
In addition to identifying the source of the mold, our experts can inspect, collect samples for laboratory testing, analyze results, develop a remediation protocol, and provide contractor oversight.